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Does Comparison Sneak Into Your Yoga Practice?

Writer's picture: Taylor WhiteTaylor White

Comparison is everywhere we turn in life. We compare ourselves at every stage of our lives and in nearly every aspect. Of course this isn't true for everyone, though even if you are mindful of your comparisons to others, it's easy to default back to noticing what differentiates us from others.

I've compared myself to others in the following ways:

• looking at other women's bodies

• thinking I'm not as educated as others

• seeing other people the same age as me or younger have children

• feeling like I should make more money

• seeing how successful other people have become

And last but not least... comparing myself to others at YOGA!

Isn't it crazy? The time you take out of your day to dedicate to yourself can become about someone else if you get caught up in worrying about what another person in the room is doing. While comparing myself to others during yoga has significantly decreased throughout the past few years, I still notice myself doing it once in a while. I know a lot of people who come to the practice can experience this, which is why I wanted to share my journey with comparison during yoga.

Comparing My Physical Body

One of biggest breakthroughs I've had so far is learning to not compare my body to others. When I first seriously started practicing yoga, I went to hot yoga. I was fairly new and didn't have that many yoga outfits, so I often wore the same thing. I liked my outfit because it showed off the parts of my body that I did like and hid the parts that I didn't. Due to the nature of hot yoga, people are normally wearing the minimum amount of clothing that they feel comfortable with. I couldn't help but compare my body to others.

I remember one day I branched out and wore a different outfit. Why? I'm not quite sure, but I did. The shirt I wore was so uncomfortable and hot I just felt the need to take off my shirt and only wear my sports bra. I'm 100% sure no one else in the class noticed, but after I did it I felt incredible. Not only was I way more comfortable, but I also realized that no one else in the class was looking at me or my stomach that I was so afraid to show. Flash forward 4 years and I teach classes of sometimes 40 people wearing a sports bra (I never would have thought I'd say that!), and I rock it.

Comparing My Physical Practice

The biggest lesson I've learned is it's not as much about what's going on outside your body, as it is about what's going on inside your body. I used to beat myself up for not being able to physically do the same things as others in my class. Sometimes there will be fellow yogi's in your class who will be able to do some pretty insane things with their bodies. Does it mean you can't watch them? Absolutely not! I like to use these opportunities to look around and be inspired. It can also help to watch someone who's been practicing for a while to see if there's anything you can pick up that they are doing that could help you as well. Also, it's important to remember, you're there for you and not anyone else.

Not only has ditching comparison during my practice helped me become more confident, it's also deepened the love and respect that I have for my body. I'm a huge believer in using your yoga practice as a metaphor for your life. Learning that I'm on my own path on my mat, helps me remember that I'm on my own path in my life... and so are you!

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